Monday, May 12, 2014

Pork Stew Meat - Skewers on the Big Green Egg

One thing that I have not done much in the past is grill meat on sticks of wood.  In many ways, I have gone back to mankind's roots with the all natural wood charcoal, no lighter fluid, open flame cooking.  But putting meat on sticks and grilling it?  Clearly, I have not done that enough.  Think of the pictures in ancient history books of cavemen.  They are cooking animals on large sharpened wood over open flame.  I seek to return to that principle.  Enter skewers and Paulina Pork Stew Meat!

First, the recipe!  I took a can of unsweetened coconut milk, white pepper, Kosher salt, sugar, curry powder, fish sauce and soy sauce and whisked it in a sauce pan over medium heat for about 5 minutes.  I transferred it to a mixing bowl and let cool for about 15 minutes.  I then whisked in some sweetened condensed milk, and added the pork stew meat (diced pork shoulder, trimmed of as much fat as possible).  Covered it and put in the refrigerator for an hour.

During this hour of waiting, I prepped the Big Green Egg with fresh charcoal, and fired it up to get it good and hot.  I also got the sides going.  Prepped 1/2 lb of French green beans and some garlic for one side, and got the rice cooker going for the other.  After the hour was up, I skewered the pork in soaked sticks and set them on the grill for about 6 minutes per side, give or take a few minutes depending upon the temperature of the grill.  Meanwhile, I busted out the wok with vegetable oil, garlic, salt, French green beans and chicken broth.  Awesome side!  And so simple.  Off the grill came the pork skewers.  Served them with the rice, green beans and some lime and cucumber wedges.  The lime on the pork gave them a little citrus flavor.  Seriously an awesome dish.  With this year of meat and 59 cuts to make, I can't guarantee that I'll make this again this year.  But I can guarantee I will make this again!  And I can definitely guarantee I'll be cooking more skewers this year!

27 down, 32 to go!

Skewered Awesomeness

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