Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Flat Iron Steaks - Whiskey Glazed

2014 is clearly the Year of Meat.  But I would also say that for me, it's also been the Year of the Manhattan.  I have grown an appreciation for Whiskey in all its forms.  But with meat?  Not yet.  Thus, tonight was the collision of the Year of Meat and the key ingredient in the Year of the Manhattan.

Whiskey Glazed is not the description of me.  Well, on some mornings after a few Manhattans, you might say it is.  But not tonight.  Tonight, it's all about marinating, basting and glazing.  Now, I have used flat iron steaks many times before, but never for grilling.  Because it is lean, quick to cook and adapts well to sauces, I tend to use it cut up as the beef for stir fried dishes.  And it works wonderfully for that cause.  But grilling?  Never done it.  But, I tell you what, it works quite well.

As for the recipe, it was the epitome of simplicity.  I found it here, courtesy of Food Network Magazine.  I chose not to use the recipe for the potatoes, because my wife concocted a newer version (and dare I say better version) of mashed sweet potatoes.  It's one of my favorite sides, and it just got better.  Paired next to a new grilled rendition that includes whiskey in the menu, and you have a happy weeknight meal.

Brown sugar, salt, pepper, whiskey whisked together until all is dissolved, followed by olive oil and smashed garlic.  Put the flat iron steak into the marinade, flip a few times for coverage, and let sit for 20 minutes.  After that time, remove them, pat them dry and ready them for grilling.  While they wait to be put on the grill, take the marinade and boil it on the stove top for about 3 minutes while stirring.  This will be used for basting the steaks while grilling. Speaking of grilling, get the Big Green Egg to 450-475 degrees.  And one they go.  About 4 minutes per side brought the internal temperature to 130 degrees, and medium rare deliciousness.  Off they came, tented them in foil for about 5 minutes, served them with mashed sweet potatoes, and the rest (yep, it's all gone) is history.

I have one veal, one pork and two beef dishes left.  The countdown is truly on.

57 down, 4 to go!

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