Friday, July 25, 2014

Maple Chipotle Veal Skewers - Plan B Works

The expression "Plan B" is a bit overused.  In my mind, Plan B is not your second choice when you weigh your options.  Plan B is not an equally viable option to Plan A, a coin toss loss if you will.  Plan B, in my mind, is a plan that is concocted when your plan (aka Plan A) fails.  You are on your way to your favorite restaurant for dinner, and you reach its front door and see a sign that says "Closed for Private Party".  Wherever you go to dinner that night is Plan B.  Someone close to me (and I won't name names) recently planned a week-plus long vacation with his girlfriend.  Shortly before the trip, she bailed.  End of relationship, but it wasn't the end of the trip.  Plan B was invoked, and a substitute joined the planned trip.  Too funny, in my mind.

Anyhow, let's discuss my trip to Paulina Market this past Wednesday.  I was a man with a plan.  There were 18 cuts left at the time, and I had pre-determined what I'd cook that night.  Enter Paulina I did (now I sound like Yoda), and proceeded to the now famous display case.  To my dismay, Plan A was not there!  I waited patiently for my turn.  My number got called.  I inquired about my cut.  And it was confirmed, Plan A was not there!  Well, unlike my examples of restaurants and significant others, this quest is about cooking all the cuts at Paulina.  So, I had to think quickly on my feet.  There were 17 other cuts from which to choose.  What do I do?  I reacted quickly.  Paulina sells a great grille marinade, Maple Chipotle.  And I found myself looking at the Veal Stew Meat, and thought: Marinade + Skewers + Big Green Egg = Plan B.

And off I went with a cryovac sealed (thanks to Joe at Paulina) package of Veal Stew Meat with the Maple Chipotle Marinade.  A few hours later, I skewered them and grilled them on a 600 degree Big Green Egg.  About 5-6 minutes per side, served with steamed peas and carrots, and we had ourselves a meal.  And I tell you what, Plan B worked out famously.  I felt a bit like an Iron Chef, who opened a basket with Veal Stew Meat, and was pressed into action.  And I won!

44 down, 17 to go!

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